Laney Statement on Diversity
Diversity and community are of highest priority to Emory University and the Laney Graduate School. Diversity and community are fundamental to our commitment to graduate education that provides students with deep expertise in their chosen fields, creativity to cross disciplinary boundaries, and courage to take on the most important and complex problems of our time.
We strive to create and strengthen an inclusive, respectful, and intellectually challenging environment that embraces individual difference. We are committed to proactively cultivating and sustaining an academic community that engages diverse intellectual capacity and that values open dialogue, cooperation, shared responsibility, mutual respect, and cultural competence — the driving forces that enrich and enhance innovative research and scholarship.

To promote diversity and a community of inclusiveness, the EDGE initiative was established. EDGE’s goal is to aid Laney Graduate School in the increased exposure, admission, enrollment, successful matriculation and graduation of diverse scholars. EDGE will facilitate the discussion of the educational benefits of diversity within a program or the University as a whole, based on their racial, ethnic, religious, socioeconomic or experiential background and/or gender, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status. The purpose of the EDGE Initiative is to promote and engage graduate diversity at Emory. The initiative is achieved using a three-themed schematic that is interconnected and interdependent: Community, Programming, and Recruitment.
Key EDGE Initiatives: EDGE and its fellows and ambassadors are responsible for maintaining and sustaining initiatives focused on diversity. Many of the initiatives surround topics of:
- Enriching Community
- Developing Outreach Partnerships and Affiliations
- Creating an Inclusive Campus
- Recruiting Excellent Students from Diverse Backgrounds
EDGE offers several opportunities for engagement:
- An Annual Diversity Reception
- Black Graduate Student Association
- Latino Graduate Student Association
- Out in Laney
- Forum series on mentoring for success graduate student retention, faculty diversity, and social justice as an academic
- NIH-Funded Emory Initiative for Maximizing Student Development
- Laney's Centennial Scholars
Along with Other Affinity Groups such as:
- Women in STEM
- Diverse Scholars in STEM
- Women in Humanities and Social Sciences
- Diverse Scholars in Humanities and Social Sciences
- 1st Generation Scholars
- Scholars 500+ Miles Away from Home
Laney Commitment to Equity and Inclusiveness
The Laney Graduate School is dedicated to fostering diverse and inclusive excellence. LGS aims for an inclusive, respectful, and intellectually challenging environment that embraces individual differences. We are an academic community that engages diverse intellectual capacity and that values open dialogue, cooperation, shared responsibility, mutual respect, cultural competence, openness, and understanding. We consistently practice sharing our experiences, listening carefully to others, and debating ideas in civil, generous, and constructive ways. However, there are times when the actions and behaviors of community members impact others negatively. The Bias Incident Reporting Structure was established to provide a space for our community members to alert Campus Life to incidents that demonstrate bias.
LGS values open expression and vigorous debate in the context of civility and mutual respect for diverse individuals and communities. However, we are deeply aware of the direct impact a bias incident might have on our ability to know, trust, support, and learn from each other. Therefore, we encourage all members of the LGS community to use this mechanism for bias reporting.
Bias incidents include, but are not limited to, name-calling, stereotyping, belittling, or excluding others based on their identities. Some, but not all, bias incidents may rise to the level of discriminatory harassment, sexual misconduct, or other violations of policy or law.
Please follow this link to the University’s Bias Incident Reporting Page in Campus Life. Please note this reporting can be anonymous. Campus Life Leadership will contact LGS Senior Leadership if additional information is needed.
Alternatively, if this mechanism does not seem appropriate for you or if you have any questions or concerns, please consider contacting LGS Associate Dean for Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement, Amanda Marie James, for additional guidance.
For more information contact:
EU Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion