Janet Delgado Rodríguez, MA, PhD Candidate

Role: PhD Candidate, University of La Laguna
La Laguna, Spain
Contact: jdelgadr@ull.edu.es
Research Interests:
Gender and Sexuality
Civil Procedure
Family Law
Minority Rights
Janet Delgado is a PhD candidate in Philosophy at the University of La Laguna, Spain. She earned Bachelor's degrees in both Nursing Studies and Philosophy before receiving two Master's degrees; one in Bioethics and the second in Theoretical and Practical Philosophy. Her research interests include vulnerability, bioethics, relational autonomy, care, consent, and public health. She is currently an Associate Professor of Nursing at the Faculty of Health Sciences within the University of Laguna. She is also working as a nurse in the Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at the Canary University Hospital. During her time at Emory, Janet hopes to work towards redefining vulnerability as it is currently understood in bioethics discourse to the more inclusive concept employed by VHC.