Carolina Montero Orphanopoulous, MA, Doctoral Candidate

Carolina Montero Orphanopoulous, MA, Doctoral Candidate

 Role: Associate Professor University of Chile; Doctoral Candidate, Comilias Pontifical University , Spain


  Research Interests:
Philosophy | Bioethics | Ethics | Moral Theology | Psychology

Carolina Montero is a doctoral candidate at the Comillas Pontifical University in Madrid, Spain. Her areas of interest include ethics, bioethics, European principialism, and vulnerability theory. She first earned a Master’s degree in Bioethics and is currently working on her doctoral thesis, Vulnerability: Towards a More Humane Ethics, which is a continuation of her magister thesis, published in 2012, Vulnerabilidad, Reconocimiento y Reparación: Praxis Cristiana y Plentitud Humana (Vulnerability, Recognition and Reparation: Christian Praxis and Human Fulfillment). Carolina is a part-time Associate Professor at both the University of Chile in their Department of Bioethics and Medical Humanities and at the University of Alberto Hurtado, where she teaches courses on philosophical ethics, bioethics, and psychology. Carolina is eagerly exploring the application of vulnerability theory to her research on realizing a more ethical society.

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