2019 News
The Vulnerability and the Human Condition Initiative now has its very own blog offering original posts from Vulnerability and the Human Condition affiliates, information on upcoming events, scholarship from Martha A. Fineman, and a unique window into VHC workshops - a privilege until now only accessible to those who have been able to attend VHC workshops or to access the Feminism and Legal Theory Archive at Emory Law.
The Robert Papazian Essay Competition deadline has been extended to October 31, 2019. Two Additional Prizes sponsored by the H2020 Research Project PEriTiA have been added. The topic for the 2019 competition is the Ethics and Politics of Vulnerability. There are two prize categories: (1) Prizes for papers in the general area of the Ethics and Politics of Vulnerability. Topics may include but not limited to: vulnerability and epistemic injustice, care ethics, medical humanities, (inter)dependence, subjectivity, language, recognition, precariousness and precarity, capabilities or forms of resilience. (2) A Prize sponsored by the Horizon 2020 research project PEriTia on the topic of Trust and Vulnerability: Annette Baier famously argued that 'Trust' is accepted vulnerability to another's possible but not expected ill will (or lack of good will) toward one (Baier 1986:235). We invite papers exploring the connections between trust and vulnerability. Papers focusing on epistemic and social trust and their connections with vulnerability are particularly welcome. Scholarly essays from all philosophical approaches analytic, continental, and historical dealing with the topic of vulnerability in its moral, political, and social forms and contexts are invited. Word limit: 8000 to 10,000 words, including notes and references. Closing date for submissions: 31 October 2019.
The Vulnerability and the Human Condition Initiative launched its podcast "Voices in Vulnerability" today with an interview with Martha Fineman titled "What is Vulnerability Theory?" Suscribe at www.soundcloud.com/VoicesInVulnerability.