
The Dean of the Laney Graduate School is advised by a faculty governance system composed of the Directors of Graduate Study, an elected Executive Council, and an Appointments Committee. The graduate school is also represented in the broader university governance system by two faculty members. Current members are listed below. 

You can view the 2024-2025 Director of Graduate Studies Meeting Schedule here.

Laney Graduate School Executive Council

The Executive Council is an elected body of nine members of the graduate faculty, elected by the faculty as a whole in accordance with the Faculty Governance document (see right). 

The Council meets monthly, and meetings are chaired by the Dean. You can see a full list of planned meetings for 2024-2025 here.

The Executive Council reviews proposals for new courses or programs, and for changes in existing courses or programs on a rolling basis. To be added to the Executive Council agenda, proposals must be received by the Laney Graduate School two weeks prior to the meeting date. Graduate school staff will determine that proposals are complete before distribution to the council.

To ensure timely review, new or changed courses to be offered in the fall semester must be submitted to the Executive Council prior to the January meeting. Please be aware that the Executive Council often has a full agenda, and proposals submitted late in the spring semester may be deferred until the next academic year.

If you have questions about the Executive Council or want to place an item before the Council, please contact Senior Associate Dean Jeffrey K. Staton at

Members of the Executive Council serve three-year terms. 

2024–25 Executive Council Members

MemberFinal Term
Tamara Caspary, Genetics and Molecular Biology & NeuroscienceSpring 2025
Walter Rucker, African American Studies and HistorySpring 2025
Cari Jo Clark, Global Health and DevelopmentSpring 2025
Lynne Huffer, PhilosophySpring 2026
Thomas Rogers, HistorySpring 2026
Dorian Arnold, Computer Science and InformaticsSpring 2026
Jessica Wells, Nursing Spring 2027
Danielle Jung, Political ScienceSpring 2027
Sarah McPhee, Art HistorySpring 2027

Faculty Membership Policy

The Laney Graduate School Faculty Membership Policy provides terms for graduate faculty membership.  

  • If you want to add a faculty member to your program, please use this form.

Note: This process has moved to Slate, and we have made one change. If the faculty member you are seeking to appoint in your program is already an LGS faculty member in another program, then the process is much abbreviated and does not require the Dean's review. The new form will guide you.

Appointments Committee

The Appointments Committee consists of three elected members, one from each of the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, and two members appointed by the Dean. Elected and appointed members will serve a term of two years. The Committee advises the Dean on the membership and composition of all award and fellowship committees for the graduate school, and any other committees that may be necessary to the business of the graduate school.

2024–25 Appointments Committee Members

MemberFinal Term
Mohammed Ali, Global Health and Development, Nutrition and Health Sciences Spring 2026
Christina Crawford, Art HistorySpring 2026
Lawrence Boise, Biochemistry, Cell and Developmental Biology Spring 2026
Walter Melion, Art HistorySpring 2026
Ian McCarthy, EconomicsSpring 2026

University Senate and Faculty Council

The Laney Graduate School is represented by two faculty members on the University Senate and Faculty Council. Representatives are elected by the faculty and serve three-year terms.

2022–23 Representatives

RepresentativeFinal Term
Eric Lonsdorf, Environmental ScienceSpring 2026
Roberto Franzosi, SociologySpring 2025