Fineman, M.A. The Vulnerable Subject: Anchoring Equality in the Human Condition, Princeton University Press (forthcoming, 2019).
Book Chapters
Fineman, M.A. “The Limits of Equality: Vulnerability and Inevitable Inequality,” in Feminist Jurisprudence, Elgar Press: Bowman, C. and West, R. Eds. (forthcoming, 2019).
Book Chapters
Delgado, J "Joining Knowledge and Organs: The Contributions of Bioethics to University Culture," in Dual Culture: New Identities in University-Society Interaction, Madrid, Plaza y Valdés, Ed. Casado A. (2018) (with Antonio Casado da Rocha).
“Injury in the Unresponsive State: Writing the Vulnerable Subject into Neo-Liberal Legal Culture,” in Injury and Injustice: The Cultural Politics of Harm and Redress, Cambridge University Press: A. Bloom, D. Engel, M. McCann Eds. (2018).
Mattsson, T. “Age, Vulnerability and Disability,” in Ageing, Ageism and the Law - European Perspectives on the Rights of Older Persons, Edgar Algar Press: I Israel Doron, Nena Georgantzi Eds. (2018)
Journal Articles
Andersson, U. "Vulnerability, Agency and the Ambivalence of Place in Narratives of Rape in Three High-Profile Swedish Cases," NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, Volume 26 (2018)
Fineman, M.A. "Vulnerability and Social Justice," Valparaiso Law Review (forthcoming, 2018).
Samandari, A. Mboya. "Human Rights and the Global Climate Change Regime," Natural Resources Journal, Volume 58 (2018).
Samandari, A. Mboya. "Vulnerability & the Climate Change Regime," 36 UCLA J. Environmental Law. & Policy 79 (2018).
Samandari, A. Mboya. "The African Charter on Human Rights and Indigenous Peoples Land Rights: A Vulnerability Analysis of the Endorois Welfare Council v. Kenya Case," Encyclopedia of Human Rights and The Environment, Edward Elgar Publishing (2018) (forthcoming).
Samandari, A. Mboya. "Moving towards a twin-agenda: Gender equality and land degradation neutrality," Verona Collantes, Karina Kloos, Paulette Henry, Atieno Mboya, Tzili Mor & Graciela Metternicht, Environmental Science and Policy, Volume 89 (2018).
Satz, A. B. "The Federalism Challenges of Protecting Workers’ Medical Privacy," 94 Ind. L. J. (forthcoming 2018).
Web Publications
Shana Tabak, The Outrage of Family Separation,” Op-Ed, IntLawGrrls, 24 July 2018.
Ani B. Satz, The Volkswagen Monkey Experiments Are Cruel and We Are All to Blame, Op-Ed, TheHill.com, 4 Feb., 2018.
Vulnerability and the Legal Organization of Work, Martha Albertson Fineman and Jonathan W. Fineman Eds., Series on Gender in Law, Culture, and Society (Routledge, 2017).
Privatization, Vulnerability, and Social Responsibility: A Comparative Perspective, Martha Albertson Fineman, Ulrika Andersson, and Titti Mattson Eds., Series on Gender in Law, Culture, and Society (Routledge, 2017).
Book Chapters
Fineman, M.A. “Homeschooling: Choosing Parental Rights over Children’s Interests,” in The Wiley Handbook of School Choice, Robert A. Fox and Nina K. Buchanan Eds., 362-375. (Wiley-Blackwell 2017).
Fineman, M.A. “Care and Gender,” in Reassembling Motherhood: Procreation and Care in a Globalized World. Yasmine Ergas, Jane Jenson, and Sonya Michel Eds., (Columbia University Press, 2017).
Fineman, M.A. “Vulnerability, the Responsive State, and the Role of Religion,” in Exploring Vulnerability. Heike Springhart and Günter Thomas Eds., 185-204. Göttingen. (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017) (with Silas Allard).
Marvel, Stu "Listening to LGBTQ People on Assisted Human Reproduction: Access to Reproductive Material, Services
Marvel, Stu "Polymorphous Reproductivity and the Critique of Futurity: Toward a Queer Legal Analytic for Fertility Law", in New Intimacies, Old Desires: Law, Culture and Queer Politics in Neoliberal Times. Oishik Sircar and Dipika Jain (eds.), (Zubaan Books, 2017).
Journal Articles
Delgado, J. "The Relevance of the Ethics of Vulnerability in Bioethics." Les Ateliers de l'éthique, volume 12 (2017).
Samandari, A. Mboya. "Gender-Responsive Land Degradation Neutrality." Global Land Outlook (GLO) Working Paper Series (2017).
Samandari, A. Mboya. "Human Rights and the Global Climate Change Regime." Natural Resources Journal (2017).
Dinner, D. "Beyond “Best Practices”: Employment Discrimination in the Neoliberal Era," Indiana Law Review. 92 (3)(2017).
Fineman, M.A. "Vulnerability and Inevitable Inequality," Oslo Law Review. 4 (3). 133-149(2017) .
Samandari, A. Mboya "Human Rights and the Climate Change Regime," Texas Environmental Law Review (2017).
Satz, A. B. "Without Work and Medical Privacy: HIPAA’s Privacy Rule, Workers’ Compensations, and 'Symbiotic Federalism',” Emory Law Journal (2017).
Wang, H. "An Analysis on Temporary Guardianship Enforcement in General Rules of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China," Issues on Juvenile Crimes and Delinquency, Vol. 213. No. 6. December 2017.
Journal Articles
Dinner, D. (2016). "The Divorce Bargain: The Fathers' Rights Movement and Family Inequalities." Virginia Law Review, 102 (79).
Fineman, M. A., and Shepherd, G. (2016) "Homeschooling: Choosing Parental Rights over Children’s Interests." The University of Baltimore Law Review 57.
Marvel, S. (2016). "The Vulnerable Subject of Rape Law: Rethinking Agency and Consent, A Response to Deborah Tuerkheimer," Rape On and Off Campus, Emory Law Journal 65. 1(2015) Emory Law Journal Online, 65 (2035)
Journal Articles
Fineman, M.A. (2015). "Equality and Difference: The Restrained State." Alabama Law Review, .66(3), 609-26.
Fineman, M.A. (2015). "Vulnerability and the Institution of Marriage: The Evolution of Plural Parentage: Afterword." Emory Law Journal, 64, 2089-2091.
Fineman, M.A. (2012). "Beyond Identities: The Limits of an Antidiscrimination Approach to Equality." Boston University Law Review, 92 (6), 1713- 1770.
Harris, A.P. (2015). "Vulnerability and Power in the Age of the Anthropocene." Washington and Lee Journal of Energy, Climate and the Environment, 6(1), 98-161.
Marvel, S. (2015). "The Evolution of Plural Parentage: Applying Vulnerability Theory to Polygamy and Same-Sex Marriage." Emory Law Journal, 64, 2047-2088.
Nice, J.A. (2015). "The Responsibility of Victory: Confronting the Systemic Subordination of LGBT Youth and Considering a Positive Role for the State." Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review, 23 (2), 100- 139.
Satz, A.B. (2015). "Fragmentation After Health Care Reform." Houston Journal of Health Law and Policy.
Book Chapters
Satz, A.B. (2014). Vulnerability. In B. Reiss, R. Adams, & B. Serlin (Eds.), Keywords in Disability. NYU Press.
Journal Articles
Fineman, J. (2014). "The Vulnerable Subject at Work: A New Perspective on the Employment at- Will Debate." Southwestern Law Review, 43, 275-317.
Fineman, M.A. (2014). "Vulnerability, Resilience, and LGBT Youth." Temple Political and Civil Rights L. Rev. 23(2) 307-29.
Weaver, J.D. (2014). "Beyond Child Welfare- Theories on Child Homelessness." Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice, 21 (1), 16-52.
Campbell, A. (2013). Sister Wives, Surrogates and Sex Workers: Outlaws by Choice? Ashgate.
Fineman, MA. and A. Grear, eds. (2013). Vulnerability: Reflections on a New Ethical Foundation for Law and Politics. Ashgate.
Fineman, MA. and M. Thomson, eds. (2013). Exploring Masculinities: Feminist Legal Theory Reflections. Ashgate.
Fineman, MA. and E. Zinsstag, eds. (2013). Feminist Perspectives on Transitional Justice: From International and Criminal to Alternative Forms of Justice. Intersentia.
Journal Articles
Bjørnholt, M. (2013). "Vulnerability as a basis for Justice and equality in the Nordic countries. Introduction." Retfærd Årgang 36 2013 NR. 3/142, 1-8.
Carlson, J. (2013). "The Equalizer? Crime, Vulnerability, and Gender in Pro-Gun Discourse." Feminist Criminology, XX(X) 1-25. Published online 17 October 2013.
Fineman, MA. (2013). "Feminism, Masculinities, and Multiple Identities." Nevada L. J. 13(2) 619-639.
Charles, C., ed. (2012). Critical Queer Studies: Law, Film, and Fiction in Contemporary American Culture. Ashgate
Book Chapters
Oliviero, K. (2012). Yes on Proposition 8: Conservative Opposition to Same-Sex Marriage, in M. Bernstein and V. Taylor (ed.), (Not) The Marrying Kind: Same Sex Marriage in the Post-Gay Era. Minnesota University Press Amazon
Journal Articles
Fineman, M. A. (2012). "'Elderly' as Vulnerable: Rethinking the Nature of Individual and Societal Responsibility." The Elder Law Journal, 20(1), 71-112.
Hendricks, J. S. (2012). "Renegotiating the Social Contract." Michigan Law Review, 110, 1083-1100.
Dhir, A. et al. (2011). Global Business and Human Rights. James Featherby, (Ed.). London, UK: The European Lawyer Ltd.
Glicksman, R. L., Markell, D., Mandelker, D., Tarlock, D., & Buzbee, W. (2007). Environmental Protection: Law and Policy (5th ed.). Austin, TX: Aspen. Amazon
Book Chapters
Fineman, M. A. (2011). Grappling with Equality: One Feminist Journey, in M. Albertson Fineman (Ed.), Transcending the Boundaries of Law: Generations of Feminism and Legal Theory (pp. 47-61). Abingdon: Routledge. Amazon
Andersson, U. (2011). Trafficking in Human Beings: Vulnerability, Criminal Law and Human Rights, in S. Kouvo & Z. Pearson (Eds.), Feminist Perspectives on Contemporary International Law: Between Resistance and Compliance? (pp. 177-191). United Kingdom: Hart Publishing. Amazon
Grear, A. (2011). Sexing the Matrix: Embodiment, Disembodiment and Law: Towards the Re-gendering of Legal Rationality?, in Jones, A. Grear, R. A. Fenton & K. Stevenson (Eds.), Gender, Sexualities and Law (pp. 39-51). Abingdon: Routledge. Amazon
Grear, A. (2011). Mind the Gap: One Dilemma concerning the Expansion of Legal Subjectivity in the Age of Globalisation. Law, Crime and History 1.
Karpin, I., & Mykitiuk, R. (2011). Feminist Legal Theory as Embodied Justice, in Fineman, M. A. (Ed.), Transcending the Boundaries of Law: Generations of Feminism and Legal Theory (pp. 115) Amazon
Smith, O. (2011). Reconciling Care-Giving and Work in Ireland: the Contribution of Protection Against Family Status Discrimination, in N. Busby & G. James (Eds.), Families, Care-Giving, and Paid Work: Challenging Labour Law in the 21st Century (pp. 153). United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing. WorldCat
Journal Articles
Fineman, M. A. (2010). "The Vulnerable Subject and the Responsive State." Emory Law Journal, 60(2), 251-275.
Grear, A. (2011). "The Vulnerable Living Order: Human Rights and the Environment in a Critical and Philosophical Perspective." Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, 2(1), 23-44.
Kim, E. (2011). "‘Heaven for Disabled People’: Nationalism and International Human Rights Imagery." Disability and Society, 26(1), 93-106.
Kirby, P. (2011). "Vulnerability and Globalization: Mediating Impacts on Society." Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, 2(1), 86-105.
Oliviero, K. (2011). "Sensational Nation and the Minutemen: Gendered Citizenship and Moral Vulnerabilities." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 36(3), 679-706.
Reiss, B. (2011). "Campus Security and the Specter of Mental-Health Profiling." Chronicle of Higher Education, 57(22), A76-A76.
Satz, A. (2011). "Fragmented Lives: Disability Discrimination and the Role of “Environment-Framing”". Washington & Lee Law Review, 68(1), 187-252.
Satz, A. (2011). "Overcoming Fragmentation in Disability and Health Law." Emory Law Journal, 60(2), 277-323.
Kirby, P. (2010). The Celtic Tiger in Collapse: Explaining the Weaknesses of the Irish Model. (2nd Ed.). UK: Palgrave Macmillan. WorldCat
Smith, O. (2010). Disability Discrimination Law. Dublin: Thomson Round Hall. WorldCat
Book Chapters
Karpin, I. (2010). Taking Care of the Health of the Preconceived Embryos or Constructing Legal Harm, in J. Nisker et al. (Eds.), The “Healthy” Embryo (pp. 136-150). New York: Cambridge University Press. Cambridge University Press
Kim, E. (2010). How Much Sex is Healthy? The Pleasures of Asexuality, in J. Metzl & A. Kirkland (Eds.), Against Health: How Health Became New Morality (pp. 157-169). New York: New York University Press. Amazon
Kim, E. (2010). 'A Man, with the Same Feelings': Disability, Humanity, and Heterosexual Apparatus in Breaking the Weaves, Born on the Fourth of July, Breathing Lessons, and Oasis, in S. Chivers, N. Markotić (Eds.), The Problem Body: Projecting Disability on Film (pp. 131-156). Columbus, OH: Ohio State UP. Amazon
Kirby, P. (2010). Vulnerability and Globalization: The Social Impact of Globalization, in B. S Turner (Ed.), Routledge International Handbook of Globalization Studies (pp. 114-134). Abingdon: Routledge. Amazon
Journal Articles
Buzbee, W. (2010). "Clean Air Act Dynamism and Disappointments: Lessons for climate Legislation to Prompt Innovation and Discourage Inertia," Washington University Journal of Law and Policy, 32, 33-77.
Buzbee, W. (2010). "The Scope of Congressional Authority to Protect the Environment: Comments and Colloquy," Environmental Law Reporter: News and Analysis, 40(10), 10977-10988.
Deckha, M. (2010). "Subhuman as a Cultural Agent of Violence," Journal of Critical Animal Studies, 8(3)
Dhir, A. A. (2010). "Towards a Race and Gender-Conscious Conception of the Firm: Canadian Corporate Governance, Law and Diversity," Queen’s Law Journal, 35, 569
Grear, A. (2010). "Multilevel Governance for Sustainability: Insights from a Fractured Discourse: A Response to Bosselmann in New Zealand and the EU: Contested Futures: Sustainability, Governance and International Human Rights," Europe Institute Journal, 73
Hendricks, J. (2010). "Body and Soul: Equality, Pregnancy, and the Unitary Right to Abortion," Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, 45(2), 329-374.
Kim, E. (2010). "The Melodrama of Virginity and Sex Drive: The Gendered Discourse of “the Sexual Oppression of Disabled People” and Its 'Solutions'," Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 7(4), 334-347.
Mattsson, T. (2010). "Foster Children's Right to Family: A Description and Analysis of the Legislative Approach in Sweden," US-China Law Review, 7(7), 29-39.
Ni Aoláin, F. et al. (2010). "Returning Home: Women in Post-Conflict Societies," University of Baltimore Law Review, 39(3), 339-369.
Ni Aoláin, F.(2010). "Women, Vulnerability and Humanitarian Emergencies." Minnesota Legal Studies Research Paper, 10(27)
Reiss, B. (2010). "Madness after Virginia Tech: From Psychiatric Risk to Institutional Vulnerability," Social Text, 28(4), 25-44.
Satz, A. (2010). "Disability Discrimination After the ADA Amendments Act of 2008," Utah Law Review, 2010(4), 983-991.
Sterk, C., et al. (2010). "Predictors of Unsafe Sex Among At-Risk Heterosexual Women," Women’s Health and Urban Life, 9(2), 80-106.
Fineman, M. A. (2009). Taking Children's Interests Seriously, in What is Right for Children?: The Competing Paradigms of Religion and Human Rights (Martha Albertson Fineman and Karen Worthington eds.) SSRN
Woodhouse, B. (2009). Hidden in Plain Sight: The Tragedy of Children's Rights from Ben Franklin to Lionel Tate. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Amazon
Book Chapters
Fineman, M. A. (2009) The Sexual Family, in M. Albertson Fineman, J. Jackson, & A. P. Romero (Eds.), Feminist and Queer Legal Theory: Intimate Encounters, Uncomfortable Conversations (45-64). Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing. Amazon
Hall, M. I. (2009). Capacity, Vulnerability, Risk and Consent: Personhood in the Law, in D. O’Connor & B. Purves (Eds.), Decision Making, Personhood and Dementia: Examining the Interface (119). Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. SSRN
Journal Articles and Book Reviews
Buzbee, W. (2009). "Preemption Hard Look Review, Regulatory Interaction, and the Quest for Stewardship and Intergenerational Equity." George Washington Law Review, 77, 1521
Buzbee, W. (2009). "State Greenhouse Gas Regulation, Federal Climate Change Legislation, and the Preemption Sword." San Diego Journal of Climate and Energy Law, 23(1)
Deckha, M. & Backhouse, D. (2009). "Shifting Rationales: The Waning Influence of Feminism on Canada's Embryo Research Restrictions." Canadian Journal of Women and Law, 21(2), 229-266.
Deckha, M. (2009). "Holding Onto Humanity: Commodification and Species Anxiety in Canada's Assisted Human Reproduction Act." Unbound: Harvard Journal of the Legal Left, 5(1), 21-54.
Dhir, A. (2009). "The Politics of Knowledge Dissemination: Corporate Reporting, Shareholder Voice and Human Rights." Osgoode Hall Law Journal, 47(1), 47-82.
Dhir, A. (2009). "Shareholder Engagement in the Embedded Business Corporation: Investment Activism, Human Rights and TWAIL Discourse." Business Ethics Quarterly, 22(1), 99-118.
Dhir, A. (2009). "Shadows and Light: Addressing Information Asymmetries through Enhanced Social Disclosure in Canadian Securities Law." Canadian Business Law Journal, 47(3), 435-468.
Hall, M. I. (2009). "Assessing Capacity within a Context of Abuse or Neglect." Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 21(2), 156-169.
Karpin, I. (2009) "Reproduction Without Women: Frankenstein and the Legal Prohibition of Human Cloning." Feminism and the Bodyterdisciplinary Perspectives 29
Ni Aoláin, F. (2009). "Exploring a Feminist Theory of Harm in the Context of Conflicted and Post-Conflict Societies." Minnesota Legal Studies Research Paper, 9(45)
Ni Aoláin, F. & Hamilton, M. (2009). "Gender and the Rule of Law in Transitional Societies." Minnesota Legal Studies Research Paper, 9(12)
Ni Aoláin, F. & Cahn, N. (2009). "Gender, Masculinities, and Transition in Conflicted Societies." New England Law Review, 44(1), 1-23.
Ni Aoláin, F. (2009). "Gendered Under-Enforcement in the Transitional Justice Context," Minnesota Legal Studies Research Paper, 9(33)
Ni Aoláin, F. (2009). "Gendering the Declaration." Minnesota Legal Studies Research Paper, 9(06)
Ni Aoláin, F. (2009). "Learning the Lessons: What Feminist Legal Theory Teaches International Human Rights Law and Practice." Minnesota Legal Studies Research Paper, 9(18)
Satz, A. (2009). "Animals as Vulnerable Subjects: Beyond Interest-Convergence, Hierarchy, and Property." Animal Law Review, 16(1)
Smith, O. (2009). "A Pandisability Analysis? The Possibilities and Pitfalls of Indirect Disability Discrimination." Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 60(3), 361-380.
Woodhouse, B. (2009). "The Courage of Innocence: Children as Heroes in the Struggle for Justice." University of Illinois Law Review, 2009(5), 1567-1589.
Woodhouse, B. (2009). "Reflections on Loving and Children's Rights." University of Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy, 20(1), 11-32.
Journal Articles
Grear, A. (2007). "Challenging Corporate Humanity : Legal Disembodiment, Embodiment and Human Rights", Human Rights Law Review, 7(3), 511-543.
Hall, M. I. (2007). "Equity Matters: Doing Fairness in the Context of Family Caregiving." Canadian Journal on Aging, 26
Hendricks, J. (2007). "Essentially a Mother." William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law, 13(2), 429-482.
Karpin, I. (2007). "Choosing Disability: Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis and Negative Enhancement." Journal of Law and Medicine, 15(1), 89-102.
Ni Aoláin, F. & Turner, C. (2007). "Gender, Truth and Transition." UCLA Women's Law Journal, 16(1), 229-279.
Smith, O. (2007). "“Comparable Workers” and the Part-Time Workers Regulations." Feminist Legal Studies, 15(1), 85-98.
Sterk, C., et al. (2007). "Childhood neglect and Adulthood Involvement in HIV-related Risk Behaviors." Child Abuse and Neglect, 31(1), 39-53.
Sterk, C., et al. (2007). "Safe living: the impact of unstable housing conditions on HIV risk reduction among female drug users." AIDS and Behavior, 11(6), 45-55.
Sterk, C., et al. (2007). "Individual Action and Community Context: the Health Intervention Project." American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 32, S177-S181.
Kirby, P. (2006). Vulnerability and Violence: The Impact of Globalization. London: Pluto Press. Amazon
Ni Aoláin, F. & Gross, O. (2006). Law in Time of Crisis: Emergency Power in Theory and Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press. Amazon
Journal Articles
Dhir, A. (2006). "Of Takeovers, Foreign Investment and Human Rights: Unpacking the Noranda-Minmetals Conundrum," Banking & Finance Law Review, 22(1), 77-104.
Dhir, A. (2006). "Realigning the Corporate Building Blocks: Shareholder Proposals as a Vehicle for Achieving Corporate Social and Human Rights Accountability," American Business Law Journal, 43(2), 365-412.
Grear, A. (2006). "Human Rights - Human Bodies? Some Reflections on Corporate Human Rights Distortion, the Legal Subject, Embodiment and Human Rights Theory," Law and Critique, 17(2), 171-199.
Hall, M. I. (2006). "Institutional Tortfeasors: Systemic Negligence and the Class Action," Tort Law Journal, 14(2)
Hall, M. I. (2006). "Intuitive Fiduciaries: The Equitable Structure of Family Life," Canadian Journal of Family Law
Kirby, P. (2006). "Theorising Globalisation's Social Impact: Proposing the Concept of Vulnerability," Review of International Political Economy, 3(4), 632-655.
Satz, A. (2006). "A Jurisprudence of Dysfunction: On the Role of 'Normal Species Functioning' in Disability Analysis," Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics, 6(2), 221-267.
Satz, A. (2006). "Would Rosa Parks Wear Fur? Toward a Nondiscrimination Approach to Animal Welfare," Journal of Animal Law & Ethics, 1, 139.
Worthington, Karen et al., Southern Juvenile Defender Center of Emory University, Representing the Whole Child: A Juvenile Defender Training Manual (2005).
Book Chapters
Fineman, M. A. (2005), Cracking the Foundational Myths: Independence, Autonomy and Self-Sufficiency, in M. A. Fineman & T. Dougherty (Eds.), Feminism Confronts Homoeconomicus: Gender, Law and Society. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. SSRN
Journal Articles
Hall, M. I. (2005) "A Legal Framework for Supportive Housing for Seniors: Options for Canadian Policy Makers," Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation External Research Program.
Hall, M. I. (2005). "Equitable Fraud: Material Exploitation in Domestic Settings," Elder Law Review, 4
Woodhouse, B. (2005). "Waiting for Loving: The Child's Fundamental Right to Adoption," Capital University Law Review, 34(2), 297-329
Woodhouse, B. (2005). "Ecogenerism: An Environmental Approach to Protecting Endangered Children," Virginia Journal of Social Policy and the Law
Fineman, M. A. (2004). The Autonomy Myth: A Theory of Dependency. The New Press Amazon
Journal Articles and Book Reviews
Kirby, P. (2004). "Globalization, Vulnerability and the Role of the State: Lessons for Ireland," Administration
Journal Articles
Buzbee, W. (2003). "Urban Form, Health and the Law's Limits," American Journal of Public Health, 93(9), 1395-1399.
Grear, A. (2003). "A Tale of the Land, the Insider, the Outsider and Human Rights," Legal Studies, 23(1), 33-65.
Hall, M. I. (2003). "Duty to Protect, Duty to Control and the Duty to Warn," Canadian Bar Review, 82(3).
Ruskola, T. (2002). "Legal Orientalism," Michigan Law Review, 101(1), 179.
Woodhouse, B. (2003). "Enhancing Children's Participation in Policy Formation," Arizona Law Review, 45(3), 751-763.
Woodhouse, B. (2003). "Defending Childhood: Developing a Child-Centered Law and Policy Agenda," Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy, 14(2), 7-13.
Journal Articles
Satz, A. (2002). "The Case Against Assisted Suicide Reexamined." Michigan Law Review, 100, 1380-1407.
Woodhouse, B. B. (2002). "Youthful Indiscretions: Culture, Class Status, and the Passage to Adulthood." DePaul Law Review, 51, 743-768.
Reiss, B. (2001). The Showman and the Slave: Race, Death, and Memory in Barnum's America. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Amazon
Worthington, K. (2001) Strategies to Strengthen Georgia’s Child Protective System: A Policy Paper for the 2001 General Legislative Session. Barton Child Law and Policy Center.
Journal Articles
Smith, O. (2001). "Disability, Discrimination and Employment: A Never Ending Legal Story." Dublin University Law Journal, 23, 7.
Smith, O. (2001). "Ireland's Legal and Extra Legal Responses to the EC's Recommendation and Code of Practice on Protecting the Dignity of Women and Men at Work." Comparing Law in Europe on the Dignity of Women and Men, 45
Journal Articles
Hall, M. I. (2000). "The Liability of Public Authorities for the Abuse of Children in Institutional Care: Common Law Developments in Canada and the United Kingdom." International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 14, 281-301.
Hall, M. I. (2000). "Responsibility Without Fault: Bazley V Curry." Canadian Bar Review, 29, 474
Smith, O. (2000). "Making Women Count in Ireland." Making Women Count: Integrating Gender into Law and Policy Making, 23-49.
Woodhouse, B.B. (2000). "Dred Scott's Daughters: Nineteenth Century Urban Girls at the Intersection of Race and Patriarchy," Buffalo Law Review 48, 669- 701.
Journal Articles
Woodhouse, B. B. (1999). "Recognizing Children's Rights: Lessons from South Africa," Human Rights
Journal Articles
Hendricks, J. S. (1998). "Women and the Promise of Equal Citizenship." Texas Journal of Women and the Law, 8, 51-91.
Woodhouse, B. B. (1998). "From Property to Personhood: A Child-Centered Perspective on Parents' Rights." Georgetown Journal on Fighting Poverty, 5, 313-319.
Worthington, K. (1997). Working with Child Deprivation Cases in Georgia's Juvenile Courts: A Reference Manual for Attorneys Representing Parents. Supreme Court of Georgia Child Placement Project Barton Center
Journal Articles
Woodhouse, B. B., (1997). "It All Depends on What You Mean by Home: Toward a Communitarian Theory of the 'Nontraditional' Family." Utah Law Review Society, 1996, 569-612.
Journal Articles
Ruskola, T. (1996). "Minor Disregard: The Legal Construction of the Fantasy That Gay and Lesbian Youth Do Not Exist." Yale Journal of Law and Feminism, 8, 269-331.
Fineman, M. A. (1995). The Neutered Mother, The Sexual Family, and Other Twentieth Century Tragedies. New York, NY: Routledge. Amazon
Journal Articles and Book Reviews
Woodhouse, B. B. (1992). "Who Owns the Child? Meyer and Pierce and the Child as Property," William and Mary Law Review, 33.4, 995-1122.