Additional Resources


Library Guide for Development Practice

This resource links to major development websites and portals, helping students and faculty find relevant literature, government documents, job and internship opportunities, maps and databases, and specialized country information, including media, videos, and other useful information.

Writing Support

Emory Writing Center

The Emory Writing Center staff works with writers at all stages of the composing process, including developing ideas, revising drafts, or polishing a final version of a project. Writing Center tutors are trained to work with digital and multi-modal texts in addition to traditional papers. They provide feedback on purpose, organization, and audience of written documents as well grammar, syntax, and word choice.

Language Learning

Language Center

The Emory College Language Center provides support for the teaching and learning of foreign languages at Emory. Emory University’s language departments teach about 20 languages. The Center provides faculty and students with technology facilities and staff, language lab and classrooms, faculty consultation and development, lecture events, and online learning resources.

French and ItalianSpanish and PortogueseChineseArabic, Hindi, and Persian, African languages
Languages not currently taught at Emory
Language learning resources at Emory and in the Atlanta area
English as a Second Language: support available to MDP students

Student Wellbeing

Counseling and Psychological Services

Center for Student Success

Student Health Services

Emory Ombuds Office

Student Title IX Coordinator


Emory University contracts with ISOS to provide international travel security services, including mental health support. While in the field, MDP students also enroll in the U.S. State Department STEP program for additional security updates and resources.

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MDP students and graduates benefit from a free Career Account with DEVEX, the world’s largest platform for global development news and jobs, serving over one million active users.

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